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熊谷教授がThe Second International Workshop by the 174th Committee JSPS on Symbiosis of Biology and Nanodevicesでポスター発表します

熊谷教授が、2019年1月29日に行われる日本学術振興会第174委員会主催のThe Second International Workshop by the 174th Committee JSPS on Symbiosis of Biology and Nanodevicesでポスター発表します。


Visualization of plasma-generated OH radicals with a gel containing telephthalic acid


熊谷教授がMNC 2018(2018年11月13-16日)でシンポジウムをオーガナイズしました。

熊谷教授が31st International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2018)でシンポジウムをオーガナイズしました。

Simposium D: BioMEMS, Lab on a Chip, and Nanobiotechnology,

Theme: Innovative Technology to Regulate Cell Fate”

Symposium overview:

Life science is now one of the hot topics in microprocess and nanotechnology research fields.

In this symposium, four resarchers were invited. Their talks cover from surface science to MEMS, and from cells to human body.

This symposium will give audiences a clue to consider how microprocess and nanotechnology can make contributions and innovations in life science studies.

Invited Speakers:

Yoshikazu Hirai, Kyoto University
“Three Dimensional UV Lithography Technologies for Microphysiological Systems”

Tetsuji Shimizu, AIST
“Stimulation of Cells by Cold Atmospheric Plasma for Wound Treatment”

Tomohiro Hayashi, Tokyo Inst. Tech. and JST-PRESTO
“Toward a Data-Driven Strategy for Designs of Biomaterials”

Kiichiro Tomoda, Osaka Medical College
“Next Breakthroughs in Pluripotent Stem Cell Applications”





論文名:” Development of plasma-on-chip: Plasma treatment for individual cells cultured in media”

著者:Shinya Kumagai, Chun-Yao Chang, Jonghyeon Jeong, Mime Kobayashi, Tetsuji Shimizu, and Minoru Sasaki

掲載紙:Japanese Journal of Applied Physics vol. 55, 01AF01 (2016)





授賞式にて。左から、豊田工業大学 佐々木実 教授、奈良先端科学技術大学院大学 小林未明 特任助教、財満 鎭明  応用物理学会会長、名城大学 熊谷慎也 教授、産業技術総合研究所 電子光技術研究部門 清水鉄司 主任研究員。